Saturday, December 22, 2012

endings and beginnings

We're going to be updating the blog over the next week so that you can catch-up on what we've be doing since last December before we move into the new year.

We'll start with a photo from the Scofield Family Christmas, celebrated on December 16th in New Jersey. Everyone but Jazmine's dad, Chris, was in attendance. More photos of this fun day to come.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Where does the time go ...

Hi there blog fans. Remember us? No excuses to be made. It seems that we have been very lazy bloggers. Knowing that you have been missing our smiling faces, here is what we've been up to since September:

We had dinner with famed food critic Arthur Schwartz in September.

Spent the first week of October relaxing in Nantucket.

Beautiful mild and sunny weather. Lots of walks and great food!

We celebrated Jack's 85th Birthday in October with many Scofield's in attendance and also Jack's special friend Nora and Greg's special friend Polly.

We celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary. Yup, we're still mad about each other!

Enjoyed having niece Kate visit with for a couple of months.
Said a very sad and much too early good-bye to our dear friend Sharon.

A memorial gathering in Maine to celebrate Sharon's life with her lovely daughter, Shanna.

New drainage installed in the backyard in preparation for our new patio.

Lots of work, lots of dirt and lots of rock!

The beautiful results!

One of us ran for a new office ...

On the campaign trail. Talking the talk.

Kate was my campaign manager and most enthusiastic supporter!

We helped Chiara celebrate her 6th birthday!
(yes, the cake reads 'Stacy' but that's the cake she chose.)

Wildacres Thanksgiving table looks wonderful in the candlelight.

Eli and Jazmine enjoy a fist-bump with GPM.

Jazmine helping Grandpa Mike at Thanksgiving.

So much fun having 3 generations of family for Thanksgiving!

Eli enjoying a book while the turkey was roasting.

Jazmine is ready for turkey!

3 generations of the Scofield family!

Eli helped Grandpa Mike decorate for Christmas.

Jazmine climbed her first tree!

Mike had the patio trees lit just in time for a (very) brief flurry.

Rudy was decked out to welcome guests to our Annual Wildacres Open House party! We had a wonderful gathering of friends from far and near, lots of food and, of course, venison chili. Apparently we were having much to much fun as we never took any photos!

Luckily Marty had his camera handy. Here are three of my favorite girls!
December 10th brought the Wreaths Across America ceremony at St. Francis Xavier cemetery. Katy represents her DAR chapter each year to honor fallen service men and women.

All good things must come to an end, and so we said good-bye to Kate mid-December. Kate became very well-known in New Milford and her many fans are looking forward to her next visit. As is Josie, who never had so much attention!
Lil k and Big K in an American fem-Gothic pose.

Sad to say good bye but Kate must return to California.

boo hoo.

a parting shot - or two.

Barbara joined the gang for a 'good bye' dinner for Kate.

Don taught Kate how to churn the prefect home-made ice cream.

The Scofield family Christmas gathering is always a fun and festive event. Steve and Marie were our hosts. All of Mike's brothers were there as were all but 2 of Jack's grandchildren.

Jack and his grand and great-grand children.

Elias and Jazmine got to know each other a bit better.

Scofield men: Steve, Greg, Jack, Mike and Chris.

Steve and Mike catch up in the kitchen.

Jack and Jazmine.

Jon, Eli and Mike. Those handsome Scofield men!

After 25-years Peter and Katy sold Pine Springs, their ski chalet in Londonderry, Vermont.
If those walls could talk ... lots of great memories.

Don was a warm host for his traditional Christmas Eve for family and friends. We enjoyed warm fellowship and many memories of Sharon, who was with us in spirit.

Peter and Mike enjoy some quiet before the kids arrive.

Brian, Allyson, Chiara and Chloe are ready for Santa!
Needless to say, Santa had already stopped by!

Tricia and Katy opening gifts.

We visited Jon, Jess and Eli for a few days after Christmas. Eli's new brother, Samuel Pierce, is due to arrive in early May. In preparation for a new tenant in the crib, Eli has moved to a 'big boy' bed and he LOVES it!

One thing that Eli appears NOT to like is Santa. Luckily, Santa didn't take it personally.

Eli was very interested in the football game on TV. Note his jersey. Jon is enrolled in a Master's program at Syracuse University and it's  "Go Orangemen" for all sports!
Jack Bauer had to check out the new stroller as soon as it was unpacked. Samuel Pierce, the newest Scofield, is due in early May so the double-seat version was a must.

Here Eli is helping Katy with some work on her computer.

Couldn't resist adding this photo of Jazmine in the green velvet dress I gave her Christmas and her beautiful mom, Kate.

We ended 2011 on New Year's Eve with our friends Peter, Tricia, Don, Nancy and Bob enjoying champagne, fireworks and a delicious dinner, as we had done so many years in Vermont. We have all shared many laughs and, unfortunately, shed some tears over the course of the year but we move forward with renewed hope that 2012 will bring peace and prosperity to all.
Oh, almost forgot the update on the new garage, where we left off so long ago. It's a beautiful garage and we hope to finish the upstairs for an office/exercise space this spring.

A view from the upper lawn shows off the new patio & the garage.

And the first car to enter the new garage is ....

We resumed our Thursday night dinner at Lucia's this week.
Here's to a Happy New Year to you all!