Sunday, October 25, 2009

An Update

Saturday was a very wet day but that didn't dissuade us from participating in St. Francis' Junk in the Trunk tag sale in the church parking lot as planned. Fortunately, the Ladies' Guild made their money from renting out the parking spaces for sellers so it didn't matter that not many purchasers showed up. Nevertheless, we unloaded quite a few 'treasures,' mostly by either giving them away or giving an 'all you can carry for a dollar' deal. What was left over we delivered to Goodwill on the way home.

Saturday evening was the annual MVP-SOS fundraiser. The organization raises funds for New Milford High School sports and other extracurricular activities. It's always a great time; silent auction, excellent food and lots of nice people. Last evening was no exception. We sat at a table that included our friend, Bob Coppola and his wife Adrienne. Bob's running for Mayor as a Democrat against our other friend, Pat Murphy, who was there last night as well. We have signs of support for both on our lawn.

Today was a glorious Fall day here in Litchfield County! Katy spent a few hours serving meals to senior citizens offered by her Rotary club. The rest of the day we've been reading the Sunday papers, watching football and looking forward to switching between the Yanks and G-Men later this evening. Here's a link to a few slides from the weekend - yes, it is that beautiful here at Wildacres.

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