Friday, November 20, 2009

Gathering at the Village Coffee Shop

I really enjoyed spending time with my friend, Bob Coppola, this morning at the Bank Street Coffee Shop. Bob and his wife, Adrienne, are recently retired school teachers who deserve all the benefits retirement has to offer. Bob is one of the most giving people I've ever met. He's like Katy in that he's involved in many community organizations and has contributed much to the quality of life in New Milford. He's a history buff and just an all-around interesting guy. I've really enjoyed getting to know him since I've moved to New Milford. And, he's a Democrat, a breed in too-short supply here in NM.

Bob and Adrienne are spending next week in the part of Arizona where it's already snowed to visit their daughter, Ann, who is teaching on a Native American reservation. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

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