Thursday, November 5, 2009

Something to ponder

Many of us take for granted a lot of the day-to-day things that pass by us. The world is a busy place. We work hard, raise our families, try to do the 'right thing' and endeavor to keep up with local and national events. Things that happen in the world can go unnoticed unless the story is a 'headline' item on the 10 o'clock news - and we're still awake.

A case in point: the plight of the many thousands of abandoned and orphaned children in the world. I often think of children left homeless or parent-less by war, disease or economic status. I feel such sadness when I see them on TV or read of them in the paper. I'm thankful that my life is very busy, and I spend time volunteering within my community. At times those far-off needs are pushed to the back of my mind by those right in front of me each day.

Today those thoughts came to the front of my brain and I have to admit: IT'S ABOUT TIME!

Mike's daughter Kate works for World Orphans. Many of you have met Kate and know of her compassionate work so I won't extol her virtues here, but suffice it to say that she one of the most caring, giving and loving people I've ever met.

World Orphans is a wonderful organization that develops relationships between churches in America and churches around the world that care of orphans. It's heart-warming to know that there are these many wonderful people who step-up to help and protect needy children across the globe.

What was a real revelation for me, however, was that the employees of World Orphans, and other organizations like them, have to raise their full salary in donations each year. For any of you who have ever gone door-to-door asking for funding for Relay for Life, Girl Scout cookies or Little League uniforms you know that it is tough work to convince people to part with their hard-earned money. Well, it's even harder for World Orphans.

Not only do they compete with other very worthy causes but the children that they help are truly a world away from our busy lives. They work through local churches to care for needy children and to guide them to be raised in a compassionate community. Churches provide a very cost-effective way to reach out to those children in need. As a donor I'm glad to know that my funding is being used to the very best advantage.

So here's the point for you to ponder: there are many needs in the world and few of us could turn away from a child in need. Please visit Take just a few minutes to read about the work they have done, their goals and visions for the future and read some of the personal stories.

If you have a few bucks to spare here's your chance. Click on 'give', 'staff support' and choose 'Kate Borders'. No donation is too small and you will help a very dedicated young woman to continue her work. She's doing the job for those of us who are busy. I hope you are not too busy.

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