Friday, December 11, 2009

Tricia Recovers with a little help (and dinner) from her Friends

Our friend Tricia had a hip replaced last week and thus missed our Open House party. On Thursday she felt up to having company so we brought the party to her - well at least we brought dinner to her! Since Peter is the week-day chef at their house, and this was to be a treat for the recovering patient, I took advantage of the occasion to cook what Tricia likes: grilled salmon, couscous, spinach/romaine salad with nuts, mandarin oranges, goat cheese and lemon vinaigrette dressing and carrots with sour cream and dill.
Mike and I packed up the dinner fixings and drove over to Carmen Hill to prepare the 'recuperation' victuals. Don joined us and we all enjoyed watching Jeopardy during cocktails followed by the 'Extra-Extra' show where we learned the latest sordid details of the Tiger Woods saga. (Working both sides of the brain aids in appetite building!)   As always, the fellowship was wonderful and the laughs many. Here you see Ms. Tricia with her cane and the delicious (if I do say so myself) salad prior to tossing.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

The dinner was great and I'm sure enhanced my recovery 100%! Peter has been doing double-duty as chef and nurse since I got home on the 5th, so it was nice he got a break as well. He's getting very good at putting on my compression stocking - it was real challenge at first! And Don came over on Friday and helped put up our tree and decorated it for me. I'm so fortunate to have such wonderful friends and family.