Thursday, April 1, 2010

Generations of handsome men

Great-Grandfather Jack Scofield met Elias Jonathan Scofield this past weekend. These photos say it all: love at first sight!

We're looking forward to a trip to New Jersey in a couple of weeks for a family gathering. Not only will we get to see Eli, oh yeah, and his parents, too, but we'll have the opportunity to capture four generations of Scofield men on film.

Looking forward ... looking back.
Two guys talking baseball.

Eli seems to have zonked out during Jack's story ...

Jack, Jon and Eli - a handsome group.

ps - Thanks to Kate for the wonderful photos!!


Jessica said...

Jack was talking about how golfers nowadays take way too long to hit the golf ball, and how televised sports these days have way too many commercials, and how ZZZZzzzz.....

Jessica said...

The above was from Jon by the way...