Friday, October 2, 2009

A Busy Week

It's been a busy week for Wildacres residents: Jack has been moving around more each day. He took a few laps on the deck the other day and he's getting used to doing more tasks on his own. He and Josie have become BFF's and now have breakfast together each day.

Mike has been keeping the Ingenix mail room humming efficiently, as usual, and is connected to his headset from 9-5 daily. We did manage to slip away for dinner at Bull's Bridge with Don, which was a nice change of scenery. Don has been working on house plans for Wildacres II and to put it simply: he is THE best designer and architect in CT.

On Monday evening Nancy, Tricia and I got together for one of our quarterly girls-nite-out dinners. We went to La Fortuna, a lovely spot in Bethel and enjoyed not only a good meal but having the whole place to ourselves! We were tended to by a very personable bartender and waiter, who was kind enough to snap this photo (taken after the first round of cocktails ... ) I love our dinners. We always do what good friends do best: laugh, commiserate on life and laugh some more. We also decided to take a bike trip from Buffalo to Albany next summer. No, we're not getting Vespa's. That's bike - as in bicycle. More on that adventure-in-the-making in future posts.
I took my Master Gardener final exam on Thursday morning. Three hours of identifying and diagnosing tree, shrub and plant issues with a few insects thrown in for good measure. Phew! is all I can say. I'm fairly certain I did well on the exam and I'm looking forward to our 'graduation' at the end of the month. I've already signed up for a couple of Advanced MG classes: "Troughing" is one of the 2-day classes. Sounds like fun, huh?!

Our Montauk Daisies burst into bloom on Monday, a sure sign of Fall. It was just 37 degrees this morning so once again, Mother Nature is on schedule. We're looking forward to a quiet weekend. Nothing much planned yet except for a visit with Carl and Teresa at The River Bistro on Sunday for Customer Appreciation Day festivities and then home to watch football with Jack. This cool weather has also given me the 'urge to purge' and I've begun a Wildacres fall clean-up.
I know that those who know me well are saying to themselves: '"how will we notice that's you've thrown anything away??" All I can say, in the immortal words of the late Billy Mays: 'But Wait, There's More ...' Look for future posts with PROOF of the clean-up.

Here's our backyard this morning: mums, morning glories and rudbekia all in bloom. Another beautiful day in Litchfield County.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Congrats on your final being over - I'm sure you did well! I just noticed my Montauk daisies blooming this week also. Still have some dahlias blooming and my cosmos are still all buds - almost no flowers. Don't know what happened to them this year. I think that photo captures the good time we were having!