Monday, September 28, 2009

Our New Normal

For those of you who haven't visited our newest blog: Day by Day with Jack, the latest news at Wildacres is that Mike's dad has been staying with us. He's getting his strength back after a nasty infection landed him in the hospital a couple of weeks ago.

While the new dynamic of our life has presented a few challenges it has also given us all a lot of laughter. We are all getting along just fine and Jack has melded into our daily routine rather well. Jack and Josie have breakfast together, Jack thinks that Mike and I run the business world single-handedly on our phones and we all enoy our nightly Jeopardy and sports TV.

I find it interesting that, while a guy sleeping in a recliner the middle of the living room is certainly different for us, this has become our 'new normal' and Mike and I haven't really given it a second thought. We moved the furniture, borrowed a comfy chair from friends Peter & Tricia and set Jack up in front of the TV. He's happy and we are happy to be able to give him comfortable, family surroundings.

Speaking of comfortable: after a week of dinners-at-home we ventured out last night for a meal at our favorite spot, The River Bistro. Jack enjoys the fun atmosphere there and Carl and Teresa always make him feel like a regular. A good meal was had by all and as we said our 'good night Jack, good night Mike ...' at bedtime I thought to myself once again how lucky we are to have this life in Litchfield County.

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