Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Dinner with the Harwood Family

Our dear friends Bernadette and John invited us to join their family for Christmas dinner in West Haven. It goes without saying that we had an absolute stunner of a meal: filet mignon, stuffed shrimp, TONS of delish hors d'oeuvres and then homemade cheesecake and cookies for dessert - we're fasting until January 1st!

It was so nice to visit with Bernadette’s nephews Paul and Mark Raucci; West Haven friends Joanne and Bob Beecher, Joanne’s mom Anna and the lovely Ms. Robyn Harwood. Any event that brings us together with John and Bernadette means there will be laughs galore, and this day was no exception.

There’s no fun like fun with long-time friends: they know how to get to the funny bone the fastest! It was a VERY Merry Christmas!

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