Thursday, December 24, 2009

A lovely Christmas Eve

Our friend Don hosts a lovely Christmas Eve gathering of friends and family each year. This year he outdid himself with a sit-down dinner that was just wonderful. Our menu: seared sea scallops, fettuccine Alfredo, roasted tenderloin, grilled veggies – delicious!

As always there was a lot of laughter and good cheer. Brian and Allyson’s daughters, Chiara (4) and Chloe (2) are the cutest and most precocious little girls you’ll ever meet and they truly made the sprit of Christmas come to life for all of us. Watching their faces as they opened their gifts and listening to the comfortable banter in the room I was reminded of how blessed I am to have be a part of Don’s family these many years.

Here are some photos of Don’s beautifully decorated home, the group of extended family and friends and two little girls awaiting Santa. The warmth and fellowship of family and friends is absolutely the reason for the season!

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