Thursday, December 24, 2009

" ... make new friends but keep the old ..."

How true that saying is. Old friends, like gold, do grow more valuable as the years go by and they never lose their gleam. Three of my very dear friends: Laura Hurd, Kathy O’Grady and Bernadette Harwood and I have made a practice of getting together for dinner a few times a year since 2001. We were co-workers at Milford-Grolier during the 90’s and we became good personal friends during our 10 years of working together. This year our quarterly gathering, like so many things in our busy lives, seemed to get rescheduled again and again with the months slipping past. A year had almost gone by without a reunion.

As luck – and determined women – would have it, we finally managed to arrange our schedules and meet on Tuesday night for dinner in New Haven. It was just wonderful to laugh together, catch-up on our families activities and share the warmth of friends who know you really well. Their kids are grown, there are now grand-children to boast about and we have a few more gray hairs between us but when we see each other it’s like it was just yesterday all over again.

To add even more to our chick-night-out, another special friend, Cheri Charney, stopped by to say hello. She left before the photo-op but her arrival brought tears to us all. She’s a very special girl and we have all missed her infectious cheery attitude. (So if you’re reading this M. Cheri, let’s not wait so long to see you again …)

Christmas is a glorious time to count our blessings and I feel truly blessed to have such good ‘old’ friends!

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