Sunday, December 20, 2009

Celebrating with friends!

Last night we ventured out across town to attend a neighborhood open-house hosted by our friends Anthony and Beth Molinaro. (That's Anthony welcoming Mike at the door)

Although a Nor' Easter snow storm was predicted to start at any moment, things were warm and festive at the party!

There was a wonderful array of food and lots of laughter. Not to be put off by a little chilly weather, the men huddled on the deck and enjoyed cigars. True bon vivants all!

We had a chance to catch-up with our friends Marc and Diane Dubreuil, (That's Diane in the coat behind our hostess Beth) see Anthony and Beth's soon-to-be Sweet Sixteen daughter Annie and meet some delightful people - all of which made for a perfect evening.

The snow began to fall at about 11:00 pm so we took our leave with hugs, kisses and wishes for a Merry Christmas and drove home through the winter-wonderland of New Milford.

Another story-book day in Litchfield County!

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