Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas with Kate & Chris

Traditions vary among families however I think we may have hit upon an altogether *new* tradition this year. On Friday we met Kate and Chris for lunch at the River Club in Nyack, a great eatery right on the water. It was a crisp, sunny day with white-caps on the water completing the setting.
We were celebrating Christmas with them on Friday because Kate and Chris were leaving on Saturday for a 2-week visit to Budapest to spend Christmas with Chris' parents, Glen and Cile and his sister and brother-in-law, Kari and Jonathan.

We had a delightful lunch and took advantage of the sunny afternoon to take a stroll. The Village of Nyack is located on the west shore of the Hudson River just 25 miles north of New York City. Known for its antiques, fine restaurants and multicultural community it has become a popular place for people seeking a small town environment with a cosmopolitan flavor. We browsed through several wonderful artisan jewelry stores and antique shops and then stopped to warm up with latte's and cookies at Temptations Cafe.

Since we thought it a bit cheeky to go back into the River Club just to sit and open our Christmas gifts we opted for 'Christmas in the Car'. As you can see the venue didn't dampen our fun.

Here Chris shows off his new jigsaw. A man and his power tools - a beautiful thing!

It was wonderful to be able to catch-up on New Jersey and Connecticut comings and goings and to enjoy their company but alas, our time together was too short. We bid them adieu with hugs, kisses and wishes for a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and safe travels. We're looking forward to seeing them in mid-January to hear all about their visit with the Borders and Massons. 

Although Christmas in the car may have been a little space-restricted there was plenty of room for love!

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