Tuesday, March 9, 2010

An evening with the church ladies.

The St. Francis Xavier Women’s Guild celebrated a "Taste of Ireland" at our meeting this evening. Pat McGuire stopped by and serenaded us with some beautiful bagpipe music. We also were entertained by two young Step-dancers.

The Board prepared a feast of corned beef, potatoes, cabbage, Irish stew (made by yours truly) lots of homemade Irish soda bread, beer (not green, from Germany), cupcakes made with stout – surprisingly good - and homemade Irish Cream to enjoy with our coffee - quite a feast!

Pat is the BEST piper in town and a wonderful guy!

Lisa Deakin and Jen LaCava. Who said church-ladies are old?!

We said ‘good bye’ to member Diane, who is moving to George at the end of the month and ‘Happy Birthday’ to member Jen. Lots of fellowship and fun!

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