Sunday, March 7, 2010

From the Publick House to the Oscar's

It's always a fun experience to take a quick trip to New Jersey to see Mike's father, Jack, and any combo of his brothers that can join us, and this weekend was no exception. We had a tasty dinner at the Publick House in Chester last night with Jack and his special friend, Nora, brother Steve and his wife Marie and brother Chris and his wife JoAnne. Lots of laughs and a modicum of good wine, which may have contributed to the lack of useable photos …

  That's Marie and Steve facing the camera.

  Mike took a 'parting' shot but Marie wasn't quite done!
  Steve, Jack and Chris share a laugh!

This morning we had brunch at the Randolph Diner with Jack and Nora and took a drive through Denville. A beautiful sunny and warm day surrounded us on our ride back to Connecticut, capping a relaxing visit with the Scofield clan.

Tonight: The 82nd Annual Academy Awards. We’re invited to dine and watch the festivities with Peter and Tricia. We’ve not seen many of the movies that are in the running but I’m sure it will be entertaining nonetheless!

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