Monday, May 17, 2010

Wildacres in the Spring

Wildacres is so beautiful in the Spring.  This weekend, Katy was in her glory.  On Saturday she brought home a passel of flowers for planting around the yard.  Then she started rattling the pots and pans to prepare dinner for our friends Mike and Katie (really).  We had cigars on the deck while Mike regaled us with stories of the six-week cross country bicycle trip (2600 miles)  that he just completed, followed by an online slide show of his photos - what a lucky guy!  This was followed by the usual fabulous meal - beef kabobs on this particular evening.
On Sunday we spent time planting most of the flowers from Katy's Saturday shopping.  This picture shows a few of them.  It was such a spectacularly beautiful day that we decided to take a ride throughout the county and I did a bit of fishing at Mt. Tom lake while Katy read. No fish were caught but it was as pleasing a setting as one could imagine. We had a nice dinner in Bantam at the Wood's BBQ restaurant and then home to ready for the work week.
Life in Litchefield County is truly a blessing.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

The flowers look gorgeous!! Our yard needs a lot of attention also, but somehow baby Eli seems to take priority....looking forward to seeing you guys!!