Sunday, June 6, 2010

Katy's Thrill and an Engagement Party

For those of you who know Katy, you know she isn't easily impressed. However, yesterday she was having lunch with Annie Molinaro, the young lady for whom she'll be a Confirmation sponsor next week. They were at one of our favorite local spots, The White Horse Inn. And who was sitting directly behind Katy? Sean Connery, one of her true Hollywood idols! She didn't realize it until he was ready to leave - otherwise, Mike might have had to dine alone last night.

Fortunately, she returned home to prepare a wonderful meal for 10 of us who gathered at Wildacres to celebrate the engagement of our friends, Doug and Alice. We had a fantastic time, starting with snacks, beverages and cigars on the deck in the midst of the beautiful gardens Katy has established this year. If you'd like to see some pictures of the garden you can click here.

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