Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Wish...

I wish that for just one more month the sun would shine every day and the high temperature was 60. That for one more month we'd have late October light, the sun would set at 7:00 p.m and the leaves that are still clinging to the trees would stay put.

We took a drive up county this afternoon, including a stop at Mt. Tom State Park. Here are a few pictures, including those of a beautiful Japanese Maple that we happened upon.


Jon said...

Love the outfit, Dad! It takes a TRUE Mets fan to proudly wear the blue and orange after the season is over. I also wear my Mets garb every chance I make me proud!

Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Seriously...that's the most Mets I've ever seen you look :) See you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

...and the pictures are beautiful. There's nothing like fall colors!